Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Buy the Finest Quality Beeswax from BeeSeal in New Zealand

BeeSeal is a company based in New Zealand which is proud to bring to you the most natural and original form of beeswax. These are not synthetic at all like the products of some companies. The wax packaged here is of the purest form and therefore when you invest in the products of the company, you shall get only the very best.

The company owns a huge area of bee farms in New Zealand where the wax is produced by the hard working worker bees in summer, at which time they travel many thousands of miles to collect honey from a million flowers. It takes them at least 30 pounds of their body weight worth of honey to produce an adequate quantity of beeswax. At first this substance is transparent and colorless, but after the bees chew and grind on these, the wax gains a myriad of colors such as black, brown and yellow.  The highly experienced employees of the company carefully collect this wax and preserves them for the making of BeeSeal. 
Beeswax is an amazing Furniture Polish NZ which is capable of making your life so much easier! Its most important use is in the cleaning of leather items such as wallets and shoes. When you use BeeSeal on leather, you return to its original health and quality, apart from cleaning it. You also give the leather a healthy glow. Another important use of the Furniture Beeswax NZ is to polish leather upholstery at home and in cars with it. BeeSeal is very easy to use. You do not need to grease with it all day. All you need to do is to dab a bit onto a soft, dry cloth and apply two coatings on the leather upholstery. You can also waterproof shoes and clean saddles with it!

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